Results Count : 607

People Need People

...I asked if she had any questions for me. Danea asked, “If there is one thing you wish you would have known before your transplant, what would it be?” The...

The Bloody Truth would subside. I surely did not want to tell my parents and ruin our trip. Although all along, I knew I was experiencing a cyst bleed. By the time...

Rich in Life life. I continue to learn that we should not compare our life to someone else’s and our happiness should not be measured by what we have in comparison to...

Snippets of Inspiration

...muster the guts to face it head on. Those of us with PKD, or any other illness, have the choice and freedom of how we cope with our battles. I...

Bounce back, give back: Part 1

...time in fourteen months due to Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC). So many thoughts, emotions and questions flooded my mind that first evening in the hospital. Since we knew what caused...