Results Count : 607


...proud. I show my appreciation by living each day full of passion, positivity and purpose. My hope is that my triumph over adversity will set an example that one can...

A Daughter’s First Love

...the door, place his lunchbox on the counter and take off his work boots, before I was yelling, “Daaaaaad.” I sat on the couch holding a little pink comb in...


...I can do about it but deal with it as best I can. For no matter what battle we are facing, the world does not stop for us. Everything that...

The Hands of Time

...months, weeks and now days. Noah and I had come up with our game plan of how we would be sneaky and surprise them. We like to see them first,...

Heads or Tails

...with one of the most common life threatening genetic disease at the age of 10, it may seem impossible to be thankful for something of this magnitude. The patient, the...