Results Count : 60


...with her twin sister that inspired a documentary film. Ana passed away from small bowel cancer – a common complication for middle-aged cystic fibrosis patients. Unfortunately, our paths did not...

Be Brave

...“Brave” by Sara Bareilles to all of you. Never underestimate how strong you are. “Show me how big your brave is!” Do you have any brave stories to share?...

Wonderful To Be Alive

...writer, Andrew Westrope, did a tremendous job. Please read the wonderful article at: This week, I wanted to wrap up the month and share some fun Donate Life spirit!...

A Dialysis Legacy

...all caretakers. Once again I am reminded to never underestimate the powerful impact one can make on someone else’s life. Link to the article on Renal Business Today’s website:

Open Book read my biography, now available as an e-book! For more information, please visit: In what ways have you been an open book and how has it helped you...