Finding support in your local community
Valen and her PKD family. When friendships and connections unfold organically in life, we know they are meant to be. I believe we cross paths with people in life for...
Valen and her PKD family. When friendships and connections unfold organically in life, we know they are meant to be. I believe we cross paths with people in life for...
Some people dream of having kids from a young age; they know how many children they want and plan their pregnancies accordingly. Others may become pregnant unexpectedly or may choose...
“More than 80 percent of those with chronic, invisible illnesses downplay their true feelings to make others feel more at ease.” * This statistic really hits home. Can you relate...
As our friend and colleague Nicole Harr prepares for her upcoming kidney transplant, we arranged a Q&A between her and longtime blog contributor Valen Keefer to help her and others...
Dear Mom, Happy Birthday! You are 61! Wow! The first word that comes to mind is ‘hallelujah!’ With living cross-country from each other—from California to Pennsylvania—for seven years now, I...