Results Count : 607

PKDCON Speakers

...managing PKD and its complications; providing coordinated, multidisciplinary care; and clinical trials and translation of novel treatments for ADPKD. When it comes to research, his lab examines molecular mechanisms that...


...I found that a specific subset of macrophages, termed Trem2+ cyst associated macrophages (CAM), was significantly enriched in mice with cystic kidney disease compared to non-cystic littermate controls. To test...

Resource guide

...Ambassadors Sue Full Director of Community Fundraising Nicole Harr Director of Community Engagement Danielle Rose Community Fundraising Specialist Ireland Christensen Community Fundraising Coordinator   Page last...

2022 Grants

2022 research grant awardees We are excited to share with you the eight grants selected for funding in 2022 below. The review process The Review Committee was comprised of the...

2014 Grants

...need of answers to the many open questions, she pursued her Ph.D. in the laboratory of Dr. Harris studying the genetic complexity associated with the wide spectrum of disease presentation...