Patient perspectives
These videos were produced by Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc., in collaboration with the PKD Foundation.
Birkley family
My ADPKD Story: From Diagnosis to Transplant
Advice to My Younger Self: Pay Attention to ADPKD
My Wife is My Living Donor and Caregiver
Managing the Stress of ADPKD
Living with ADPKD
Coping with My Nephrectomy
I am My Husband’s Living Donor
My Role as a Caregiver: Research
My Husband’s ADPKD Progression
Financial, Physical, and Emotional Challenges
My Family’s PKD Story
Ventresca family
Finding out I Had PKD
What Family Support Has Done for Me
Being Open about PKD in the Family
My PKD Journey: From First Symptoms to Transplant
Our Experience with a Paired-Exchange Kidney Transplant Program
Life after Transplant: Taking Care of My New Kidney
Telling My Daughters about PKD
Living with PKD: Involved, Positive, and Active
My Husband’s PKD
Being a Kidney Donor
Caring for Someone with PKD: Our Family’s Healthy Lifestyle
PKD: The Challenge of Uncertainty
Williams family
My Baby and I Were Diagnosed with PKD During My Pregnancy
Processing Our PKD Diagnosis
Sharing Our Baby’s PKD Diagnosis
Living with PKD
Managing the Different Stages of PKD in Our Family
Owen’s Childhood PKD
Being a PKD Parent and Spouse
PKD Advocacy Empowers Us
PKD Education and Engagement
Community & Understanding PKD
PKD Family Planning: A Tough Conversation
Page last reviewed November 2022