The Scoop on PKDCON 2021

Published on June 1, 2021 | In a few weeks, the PKD Foundation will host its biggest educational event, PKD Connect Conference. Taking place June 25–26, 2021, PKDCON offers a unique opportunity for members of the PKD community to connect while providing educational sessions on all things PKD. Here’s a look at what’s in store for PKDCON 2021.

PKDCON: What is it?

In the early 2000s, the PKD Connect Conference originated as the PKD Foundation National Convention. This educational event brings together every part of the PKD community to provide information, research, tools, resources, and networking opportunities. While the name of the event may have changed, the goal has always been to bring members of the PKD community together to learn and support each other.

“Patients and family members can meet experts in the field of PKD, learn how to better manage living with PKD, become an advocate in their own care, and learn about current research,” said Nicole Harr, Director of Community Engagement.

Conference attendees have the opportunity to meet other patients and families who are living with PKD and can share their experiences. The conference empowers the patient community and ensures that no one is alone on their PKD journey.



While we’ll miss being together in person this year, the health and wellbeing of the PKD community are top priorities. For PKDCON 2021, we’ll be going virtual and, for the first time ever, the event is free to attend. “Attendees can expect the same commitment to the most up-to-date information from the safety of their own home,” said Nicole.

PKDCON will still bring together patients, caregivers, health care providers, and researchers to deliver the latest in disease management and research. Conference attendees will also have the opportunity to connect with others.

What can a first-time PKDCON attendee expect?

First-time attendees can expect to hear from experts on the topics most important to PKD families. There’s something for everyone! Whether you’re newly diagnosed, living with PKD, considering dialysis or transplant, or caring for someone with PKD. For parents of children with PKD, we’ve planned breakout sessions with you in mind.

Choosing your PKDCON sessions

If you’re newly diagnosed or have never attended PKDCON before, it can be difficult to choose sessions! Take advantage of all the general sessions. For the breakouts and poster presentations, choose the topic most relevant to you now. “The good news is that sessions are being recorded and will be available after the conference,” said Nicole.

Check out the agenda for a full list of topics and speakers.


The importance of PKDCON

“I believe that being an advocate for your own health care is one of the most important things anyone managing a chronic illness can do,” said Nicole. “It isn’t always easy but it’s important to managing PKD.”  Information empowers patients to advocate for themselves and caregivers to support those they care about. Understanding current research gives hope to everyone impacted by PKD.


Don’t miss out on this free educational event. Register for PKDCON 2021 today! Can’t make it? Support the event through a donation!


    • David Smith

      Paola, haz clic en la palabra “Register” arriba.

  1. William Towns

    How do I get the recording of the various sessions


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