The Power of Love

Heart-beginning of blog“All you need is love, love. Love is all you need.” – The Beatles

We tend to connect Valentine’s Day to romantic relationships. However, love comes in many forms and can affect our lives in a variety of ways. Love can be grand or a simple gesture, a warm embrace or a friendly hello. The more openhearted we live, the more we will realize that we are surrounded by love.

I recently took a walk at our local park. As I was walking along the path, I saw a man and a puppy walking towards me. His dog had the classic “puppy prance,” as if it was bouncing with joy. I couldn’t help but feel happy watching this bundle of cuteness. The man and I said hello to each other, and next thing I knew, I was petting the adorable dog. The puppy’s owner and I started talking about what a nice day it was and all of the beautiful green grass at the park. He said, “How are you doing today?” He asked the question in such a warm and friendly tone, as if he was a long-time friend. We continued talking and ended our chat with, “Have a great day!” Neither of us knew one another, but stopped and had a brief conversation, which brightened my day. Sometimes a little gesture of love like this might be just what someone needs.

I continued along my walk feeling energized from the kindness of a stranger. A few others walked passed me, each offering a smile and a friendly hello. Some people were by themselves, others with friends, their children or pets. However, I felt like we were all hanging out at the park together because each time I passed someone on the walking path, they smiled and acknowledged me. That day I was dealing with a lot of back pain and was in need of moving my body and getting fresh air. It was a bonus to be surrounded by such friendly love, which in turn made me feel better. As I was about to get in my car, I overheard a little girl say to her mom, “I’m having so much fun with you mom. I wish we could do this every day!” That little girl’s comment warmed my heart and exemplified that a small thing such as being at the park was a big deal to her.

Love-end of blogLove doesn’t have to be a huge, sweep-you-off-your-feet kind of love. It can be in the simple actions we do on a daily basis and the things that bring us joy. The little things we do for others – a simple conversation with a stranger or smiling and saying hello to someone. Love is everything that surrounds us: our family, friends, significant others, children, pets, our home and the small yet meaningful things that inspire us daily. Love is powerful, unconditional and simple. The more we give of it, the more we get in return.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

What does love mean to you?

February’s posts are inspired by love. Last week’s post was on Loving Life, next week will be on loving yourself and conclude with loving your body.


  1. Vicki Wolfe

    There is no limit to the ways love shows its face each day. Our mission is to simply be aware and let love touch us quietly, expansively, raucously or in whatever way our spirit cries for it. A beautiful post to start my day, Valen. Thanks!

    • Valen Keefer

      Aww, you are so welcome! Thank you very much for your touching and beautiful sentiments. I’ve read your thoughts on love several times and I wholeheartedly agree. Big hugs! XO Have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you soon!

  2. Karin

    Love is my inspiration, strength, resiliency and force that keeps me alive.
    Happy Valentine’s Day, Valen!!

    • Valen Keefer

      Me too, Karin! XO Happy Valentine’s Day my friend!


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