Celebrate PKD Awareness Day

Awareness is a big part of my life: being aware of my health, how I am feeling, knowing that I am taking the best care of myself and being an educated patient, being mindful of others and understanding how I can help them along their journeys, and spreading awareness...

Dad’s steadfast support

Disclaimer: This post contains an instance of graphic detail regarding the effects of internal bleeding. Noah and I have lived across the country from family and friends for six years. We often say that we spend more quality time with them versus quantity time given...

14 years of life post-transplant

Some things are too grand for the mind to comprehend. For example, I am having trouble processing that my 14-year kidney transplant anniversary will be two days from now. It’s hard to think that, 14 years ago, I was basically on my deathbed. There were, however, a few...

Finding the Positives

When hearing the words polycystic kidney disease, it is easy to think that we endure a disease that only affects our kidneys. However, PKD is far more than that. We can face issues like aneurysms, diverticulitis and high blood pressure, to name a few. Living with PKD...

An Open Letter to PKD

Dear PKD, It’s hard to believe it has been 23 years since we met. You arrived in a fierce and unforgettable manner. I went from having no clue who you were to having an alarming blood pressure reading of 160/140 mm Hg as a 10-year-old, and then being diagnosed with...