A Daughter’s First Love

My little 5-year-old heart filled with joy as I peered out the living room window and saw my dad’s car pulling in the driveway. I barely let him get through the door, place his lunchbox on the counter and take off his work boots, before I was yelling, “Daaaaaad.” I...

Thankful for the Highs and Lows

This crazy ride we are on, known as life, is a bumpy one filled with highs and lows, ups and downs. The sooner we embrace the constant in our life, which is change, the easier this journey will be. Easier said than done. I had to remind myself of this last week. The...

Lifelines to Our Future

I stood tall as I felt the cold tape measure run down the center of my spine. Mom said, “15 inches.” This was definitely not something I would wish another Mom to have to do. I had asked my Mom if she would measure all of my scars. She started with my first major...

How I Saw My Kidney Transplant

“Valen! Look at this!” Dr. Robert Montgomery exclaimed. My world-renowned transplant surgeon cradled the chalk-white kidney in his hands and seconds later, the mustachioed, rock ‘n’ roll music-loving doctor transformed this lifeless organ into a beating, crimson red,...

Thankful to Have PKD

As I proudly held the microphone and looked out at the crowd of Denver Walk for PKD participants, I asked, “Those of you with PKD, please step forward.” I watched the crowd separate into two sections as those affected with PKD walked away from their friends and loved...