Welcome to the
With the help of our communities in cities across the country and beyond, we provide a forum for patients who want to join in the fight to find treatments and cure for PKD.
Connect with us to find out how you can make a difference in the lives of thousands in the U.S. and millions worldwide.
Milwaukee Community Meeting
Join us for our Milwaukee meeting via video conference. Share your journey and hear from others within the PKD community who understand what you are experiencing. We will also share resources to help you manage living with PKD.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
6:30 pm – 8 pm central
Milwaukee Community
Nourish & Thrive Workshop:
Nutrition Strategies for PKD
Join the Milwaukee Community for an in-person meeting focused on nutritional education for people with polycystic kidney disease (PKD).
Guest speaker, Kelly Welsh, RDN, C.D., has over 25 years of nutrition experience and specializes in PKD. She’ll lead us in learning how nutrition can positively impact PKD management and provide practical dietary strategies.
This is a great opportunity to gain valuable insights, ask questions, and connect with others in the PKD community. We look forward to seeing you there!
Saturday, March 8, 2025
10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. central time
ProHealth Waukesha Memorial Hospital
Exact addressed to be emailed upon registration.
Registration for the 2024 Walk for PKD is now open! Find your walk at walkforpkd.org. |
The PKD Foundation is excited to the announce the newest cohort of Centers of Excellence, Partner Clinics, and Pediatric Clinics. If you are looking for the right healthcare providers to help you manage living with PKD, visit our Centers of Excellence page to learn more about the program and to find a Center of Excellence, Partner Clinic, or Pediatric Clinic.

There’s a new way ADPKD Registry participants can step up to provide hope today, and for future generations. The nation’s first dedicated ADPKD Registry is now also one of the first patient registries of any kind to integrate patient-provided health records. Share your health records through your provider’s online portal with a few simple steps on the ADPKD Registry.
Now, as always, the PKD Foundation is committed to our mission of giving hope, advocating for patients, and building a community for all impacted by PKD. We'll continue supporting our community by providing important resources and timely updates on social media. If you have questions or need help navigating this unprecedented health crisis, we are here for you. Email or call (844) PKD-HOPE.
Jacque English
Walk for PKD Ambassador
Connect with your local Walk Ambassador to learn more about the annual Walk for PKD in your area!
As the Milwaukee Chapter/Walk Coordinator I actively fight to END PKD. Being a mother myself and having lost my mom to PKD, I value the vision of a world without PKD. I am honored to support the Foundation and the hope it provides all of us impacted by PKD.
Sara DornBrook
For over 20 years, PKD has affected our family.
My husband was diagnosed when he was 23 years old. After about 15 years of struggling with this disease, the doctors decided that it was time to start the transplant process. Miraculously throughout the process, we learned that I was a match. The transplant was a success and as of this year, 2024, he is going on 3 years strong! This is an awful disease and we pray that it doesn’t one day affect our children! I have made it my mission in life to do what I can to help end this awful disease!
I am so honored to be apart of the PKD foundation and their amazing team!

Cathy McVey
PKD Connect Ambassador
When my daughter, Meredith, was diagnosed with PKD in her early 20’s, our
family got in touch with the Milwaukee PKD Foundation Chapter to learn all we
could about the disease. The Milwaukee group was so incredibly giving of their
time, knowledge and emotional support that we immediately felt like family. My
husband and I continue to volunteer and raise money that supports research to
END PKD for our daughter. As Milwaukee Connect Ambassador, I hope I can
help others to know that they are not alone in their journey with PKD.
I’ve lived in the Milwaukee area for over 25 years and raised our 2 children here.
Now that I’m retired, I like to spend time playing pickleball and golf when at home. While traveling, my husband and I enjoy visiting friends around the
country and sightseeing.
Page last updated March 2024