Workplace giving: an easy and convenient way to give
Giving through your workplace provides a convenient way to support our vision that one day no one will suffer the full effects of polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Your personal contribution through payroll deduction funds research grants, provides new education materials and elevates patients’ voices through advocacy and awareness.
How can I get started?
Contact your human resources department and check if they offer a workplace giving program. Workplace giving allows you to make tax-deductible donations to the PKD Foundation through payroll deduction.

Can I give to the PKD Foundation through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)?
If you are a federal employee, including military and postal workers, please designate your campaign pledge to the PKD Foundation during the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), which runs September 1 through December 15. Be sure to use CFC #10317 on your pledge card.

Can I give to the PKD Foundation through the United Way Workplace Campaign?
If you work at a company that participates in the United Way Workplace Campaign, you may have the option to write in the PKD Foundation. Check with your local United Way to see if the PKD Foundation is an eligible charity in your area.
While the PKD Foundation is not a United Way agency, it does receive gifts through the United Way donor designation program. The PKD Foundation will receive 75 to 90 percent of your total contribution after United Way administrative fees are taken out. United Way campaigns run mid-September through early November.
Can I give to the PKD Foundation through the State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC)?
If you are a State government employee, you can also designate the PKD Foundation as your charity of choice through your annual workplace campaign, the State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC). Campaign dates vary by state.
The PKD Foundation is eligible for employee campaigns in these states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.
Why give to the PKD Foundation?
If you have PKD or know and love someone who does, you know what a devastating disease it can be. PKD affects adults and children alike, impacting entire families through generations, often requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant.
We are the only organization in the U.S. solely dedicated to finding treatments and a cure for polycystic kidney disease (PKD). We fund research, education, advocacy, support, and awareness on a national and local level. Since 1982, we have proudly funded more than 1,300 research projects and leveraged $1.5B in research funds, making us the largest private funder of PKD research. We fund basic and clinical research, nephrology fellowships, and scientific meetings with a simple goal: to discover and deliver treatments and a cure for PKD. Read more about how far we have come.
Page last reviewed November 2022