Health Hiccups

I treasure the good days, the healthy weeks, the smooth sailing months. However, I don’t wear blinders to the reality that there will always be hiccups in life. In my life, I like to call them health hiccups. I look at these unexpected interruptions as a challenge, a test of my strength and determination. Last summer I was given a pretty big test.

I was sitting on my couch engrossed in non-profit work, when all of a sudden I had a petite seizure. I am well aware of what seizures are as I had my first one when I was 5 years old. I continued to have seizures, periodically, until I was 13, when I outgrew them.

After being seizure-free for so long, I was devastated by this latest setback. It brought back some bad memories and I was quite scared. Due to my medical history, they put me back on seizure meds, which kicked my butt for several months. I was out of it and just not myself.

Timing is everything and I had this seizure one week before my husband’s 30th birthday. We had planned on going to Santa Cruz so he could sky dive. I felt so awful that this happened so close to his birthday and that I messed up our plans. I wasn’t supposed to drive because of the seizure, so how could I even go and get him a card or a gift for his birthday?

I wanted to do something special for him. Just so you all know, the man loves his cupcakes! 🙂 So, I called for a taxi and had the driver take me to the grocery store where I picked up the supplies to make his favorite cupcakes and birthday decorations. I smile when I think of me sitting outside our grocery store with bags full of goodies, waiting for another taxi to come get me. After putting the cupcakes in the oven, I was exhausted just from doing that and had to lay on the couch and rest. Before Noah got home from work, I had the house all decorated and the cupcakes on display. He was delighted and I was pretty tickled myself.

Valuable lesson learned is to make the best of every situation and don’t let anything hold you back from what you want to do. There are always ways around it, even if you have to take a taxi!

When I look back on dealing with this health hiccup, I smile, as this is the memory that I have. As time passes, the scary memory of the seizure has been replaced with this wonderful accomplishment during a challenging time.

Noah and I didn’t go to Santa Cruz so he could skydive, but he says what I did meant so much more to him.

How have you made the best of your health hiccups?


  1. kasia

    i read your blog and every time i read it you inspire me to do something and not be a negative nancy when little things get in my way. Thanks Valen!

    • Valen Keefer

      Hi Kasia,
      This is so great to hear and is one of my goals for this blog. Thank you for reading it and sharing your thoughts. Keep smiling! 🙂

  2. Liz Davey

    I prefer to call them speed bumps! I’ve had lots of them. And I just keep going sometimes figuring out new ways to do things. My last one has been a thankfully minor one, broken elbow and sprained ankle from a fall when my leg fell asleep without tellling me and I tried to walk. No hospital time and just a trip to the ER and orthopedics.

    • Valen Keefer

      Hi Liz,
      Thank you for sharing your positive outlook with all of us! I’m so sorry to hear of your recent ‘speed bump’ and sure hope you are able to recover quickly.

  3. Connie Moss

    Just wanted to let you know… You are my inspirational angel. Keep sharing… Thank you.

    • Valen Keefer

      Hi Connie,
      Thank you for this sweet comment and brightening my day. This means so much!

  4. Sara W

    I am grateful for your example and demonstration of positivity. It has truly made a difference.

    • Valen Keefer

      Hi Sara,
      Your words are music to my ears! 🙂 Thank you so much for your encouragement.

  5. Yvonne DiCarlo-Clemens

    Love your blogs, Valen. Keep inspiring us all with your positive outlook!!!

    • Valen Keefer

      Hi Yvonne,
      Hope you are doing great! Thank you so much for your encouraging words of support!


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