Results Count : 89

Funded Research

...MitoQ to mice in their drinking water mimics giving a dietary supplement in humans. MitoQ is currently available as a dietary supplement in humans and has been shown to be...

Holiday eating

...challenge for people with kidney disease to stick with their kidney-friendly diet. In this webinar you’ll learn how to maintain your kidney diet, while still enjoying the most delicious time...

Researcher Spotlight: Taka Saigusa, M.D.

...consuming a high protein diet, increases mTOR pathway, activates immune cells, and accelerates cyst growth. I’m determining what components within the protein diet (plant-based versus animal-based protein) stimulates the immune...

Community Meeting Toolkits

...about your diet and any changes that you make to your diet Engagement ideas Ask attendees to preview Empowering Your PKD Life ahead of the meeting. Work together as a...