ADPKD Registry: putting power in the patient’s hands
Published June 4, 2019 In May we announced the upcoming ADPKD Patient Registry, a collection of individuals with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD). This month, we sat down with Elise Hoover, Director of Research at the PKD Foundation (PKDF), to...
ADPKD Registry: learning in real time
Published May 14, 2019 PKD patients are very well-informed about their disease and its consequences. As a disease impacting multiple generations or appearing unexpectedly as a spontaneous mutation, patients and their families witness first-hand the progression of...
Building awareness through partnership: PKD Foundation and Discovery Communications / Discovery en Español
If you follow us on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn), we hope you’ve already heard about our exciting new partnership with Discovery Communications / Discovery en Español. Knowing how important it is to share information about polycystic...
PKDF Salt Lake City Walk Coordinator helps us celebrate Volunteer Appreciation Week!
My name is Lindsay Roper, I grew up in northern California and met my husband Alan while we were going to college in Utah. We married and moved to Orem, UT, where we live with our daughters Sadie (2 ½ years) and Lacey (3 months). As a mother of a child with a rare...
Kidney Month Challenge: Tell someone new
For this week of National Kidney Month, our challenge to you was to tell someone new! Spreading the word is an empowering thing you can do for the community, no matter how PKD affects you. To show this, we asked our Marketing Specialist, Tierra Hogan, a...
Teen blogger plans to raise PKD awareness through modeling career
My name is Paige Trischler, but I also go by Elisabeth Rae. I am 16 and from Pittsburgh, Penn. I was diagnosed with PKD in October 2015 and got in involved with the PKD Foundation through going to Chapter meetings. One of the amazing ladies in the Pittsburgh...
Published June 4, 2019 In May we announced the upcoming ADPKD Patient Registry, a collection of individuals with Autosomal DominantRead More
Published May 14, 2019 PKD patients are very well-informed about their disease and its consequences. As a disease impacting multipleRead More
If you follow us on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn), we hope you’ve already heard about our excitingRead More
My name is Lindsay Roper, I grew up in northern California and met my husband Alan while we were goingRead More
For this week of National Kidney Month, our challenge to you was to tell someone new! Spreading the word isRead More
My name is Paige Trischler, but I also go by Elisabeth Rae. I am 16 and from Pittsburgh, Penn. IRead More