



Care to cure video
Building awareness through partnership: PKD Foundation and Discovery Communications / Discovery en Español

Building awareness through partnership: PKD Foundation and Discovery Communications / Discovery en Español

If you follow us on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn), we hope you’ve already heard about our exciting new partnership with Discovery Communications / Discovery en Español. Knowing how important it is to share information about polycystic...

AwarenessWalk for PKD
PKDF Salt Lake City Walk Coordinator helps us celebrate Volunteer Appreciation Week!

PKDF Salt Lake City Walk Coordinator helps us celebrate Volunteer Appreciation Week!

My name is Lindsay Roper, I grew up in northern California and met my husband Alan while we were going to college in Utah. We married and moved to Orem, UT, where we live with our daughters Sadie (2 ½ years) and Lacey (3 months). As a mother of a child with a rare...