PKD Will
Not Beat Me
Body Image and a PKD Belly
The surgeon who removed my PKD kidneys when I was 18 years old said I looked “11 months pregnant.” Some of us look normal on the outside although our kidneys and/or liver are enlarged and polluted with PKD cysts. Others must visually deal with the reminder of PKD...
Everybody’s Got Something
I love to ‘people watch.’ Like when I’m sitting in the car at a red signal light and vehicles are turning in front of me. I wonder where they are headed, what their everyday life is like, and I am amazed how we all look so different. At restaurants I love to look...
Worry Some – Hope More
Did I do something wrong that increased my creatinine? Why is ‘that’ number elevated on my blood work results and my doctor can’t find a cause? When the time comes, will I have a kidney donor? When living with polycystic kidney disease, there is a lot that we can...
We’re Better Together
As a grade school student, I often ended up in the nurse’s office due to excruciating kidney pain. After a role in a school play that called for me to have a pretend fainting scene, a cyst on my kidney ruptured and bled. I was always forced to sit on the sidelines...
Day to Day
I am a visual person who likes to see results. I have an unwavering desire to heal and willingness to work hard to achieve that goal. I’d prefer to push myself than follow the ‘easy-does-it’ recovery timeline. I recently read about an athlete who had a similar back...
The surgeon who removed my PKD kidneys when I was 18 years old said I looked “11 months pregnant.” SomeRead More
I love to ‘people watch.’ Like when I’m sitting in the car at a red signal light and vehicles areRead More
Did I do something wrong that increased my creatinine? Why is ‘that’ number elevated on my blood work results andRead More
As a grade school student, I often ended up in the nurse’s office due to excruciating kidney pain. After aRead More
I am a visual person who likes to see results. I have an unwavering desire to heal and willingness toRead More
Page last reviewed November 2022