Results Count : 476

Balancing The Unknowns

I didn’t have time to prepare and worry about my kidney transplant. Things happened quickly and my focus was surviving each individual day. My cysts would not stop bleeding and...

The Cyst Bleed Saga

As time passed, the pain intensified in my lower back. I winced with pain at every imperfection in the road’s pavement. I was a teenager and my family and I...

Our Calling

People fascinate me. We all have unique characteristics and bodies that make us look completely different from one another. Yet, we still yearn to look and be like others. I...

Renewed Hope

Hope re-energizes us, gives us something to look forward to, something to cling onto, something to believe in. When living with a chronic issue, there can be days when we...

A Mother’s Love

I was not gifted with great health or an easy journey in life. However, when I was placed in the arms of my mother for the first time, I was...