Blink of an Eye

I was blinking through tears as I read the words in an email from Brenda Cogley that said, “I wanted to email you because he loved you so much. Bob passed away this morning.” I was sitting in the airport with Noah about to board our plane from Honolulu to Sacramento....

Our Vows

Valen and Noah married on September 17, 2011 at Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park. As I sat down to write my wedding vows one evening last year, I smiled as I thought of a conversation I had previously shared with my fiancé, Noah. I had said to him, “You know...

Positively Powerful Words

I like to surround myself with positive energy and positive words. I thought I would give you a tour of the positive words in my home that help to inspire me every day. When I walk out of my bathroom in the morning, this is the first thing that I see and is a...

10 Acts of Kindness

It’s funny how some moments seem hard to recall and then others have been embedded in our minds forever. I’ll never forget hugging my kidney transplant donor, Sally, on August 13, 2002 before they wheeled her off to the operating room. We held on to each other tightly...

Memory Lane

With my 10-year kidney transplant anniversary this coming Monday, I thought it would be fun to take a walk down memory lane. Everything we have endured in the past has led us to where we are today. If we are happy today, then everything we have gone through was...

A Breath of Fresh Air

Last July, I learned that the Renal Support Network was having its 9th Annual Essay Contest. The theme was “What hobby helps improve your quality of life and helps you forget the many challenges kidney disease presents?” This theme really spoke to me and I knew I had...