11 Years Strong

I looked over at Noah and asked, “Do you want to know if it is a boy or a girl?” The ultrasound technician and Noah and I giggled, as we were well aware that was not why I was getting an ultrasound. Noah and I smiled at each other and held hands as the ultrasound tech...


“If you haven’t already, you must be ready to go outside and scream,” my father said recently to me on the phone. We were chatting about everything going on and I was giving him an update on my health. This made me chuckle and I said, “You know, surprisingly, I have...

Open Book

I hopped in the car, turned the key, and the radio blared with the sound of Bruce Springsteen. “Born in the U.S.A.” I quickly looked over to the passenger seat at Dennis McCloskey, my now biographer, in complete astonishment. Our jaws dropped because of a story he had...


Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my father walking towards me. I turned my head to the right as I sat in my dialysis chair, and we both gave each other a happy and excited smile. That hopeful day of August 12, 2002 was the last dialysis treatment that I had. He...

Snippets of Inspiration

We naturally possess fear of the unknown. We who have PKD know we have it, but some of us choose to live in denial with blinders on our eyes. Others muster the guts to face it head on. Those of us with PKD, or any other illness, have the choice and freedom of how we...

The Sound of Healing

During my recent eight-day stay at Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital, I liked to keep the curtain by my hospital room door partially closed. The first thing I would see were the person’s shoes walking into my room. I loved when I would see Noah’s shoes enter my room. I...