Advocacy Champions
The Advocacy Champion Network (ACN) is vital to raising awareness of PKD and increasing research dollars to bring treatments and therapies to patients and to provide the best care for those who are reliant on dialysis or a kidney transplant to survive.
By joining others and sharing their experience, the ACN will help to further legislation, regulation, and federal funding opportunities to improve the lives of everyone in the PKD community.
Advocate Resources
Monthly ACN Meeting Slides
January: Legislative Priorities
February: Virtual Advocacy Day & Serving as a State Leader
March: Virtual Advocacy Day Prep
May: Virtual Advocacy Day 2024 Recap & Improving Access to Home Dialysis Overview
June: Promising_Pathway_Act
July: Proclamation Requests, LTEs, and In-District Meetings
Role Specific Resources
Contact us
Nicole Harr
Sr. Director of Community Engagement
Lavonne Nichols
Community Engagement Strategist
Volunteer Hours
PKDF volunteers are making a difference in the lives of everyone impacted by PKD. One way we show volunteer impact is by capturing volunteer hours. Volunteer hours = revenue!
A unique link will be sent to you after each ACN training call you attend. Once you submit your hours, you can delete the submission link.
If you have questions about this process, please contact your PKDF staff lead or email Nicole at nicoleh@pkdcure.org.