Community Reaction Panel
The PKD Foundation Community Reaction Panel provides feedback on pre-determined topics of interest to Industry Alliance partners and PKD Foundation programs and services. The panel consists of patients and caregivers with varied experiences across the continuum of disease progression and includes experience with ADPKD and ARPKD.
Community Reaction Panel Calls
Community Reaction Panel Training
Volunteer Hours - New Process!
PKDF volunteers are making a difference in the lives of everyone impacted by PKD. One way we show volunteer impact is by capturing volunteer hours. Volunteer hours = revenue!
We have a new process for collecting volunteer hours. Our goal is to make submitting volunteers hours easier for you!
A unique link will be sent to you after each Community Reaction Panel call you attend. Once you submit your hours, you can delete the submission link.
If you have questions about this process, please contact your PKDF staff lead or email Nicole at
Role Specific Resources
Contact us
Nicole Harr
Sr. Director of Community Engagement
Lavonne Nichols
Community Engagement Strategist
PKD Volunteer Team
Who has the best ideas for success? You, of course!
Join our new Team PKD Volunteer Team Facebook closed group page and connect with all of our communities, share your ideas, successes and receive news and information from staff. PKD Volunteer Team is for official PKD Foundation volunteers only.
Page last updated November 2023