PKD Will

Not Beat Me

PKD Will Not Beat Me
Overcoming Setbacks

Overcoming Setbacks

There are things we can try to plan for in life, both as regular folks and as PKD patients. These can range from saving money to purchase a home, to preparing for dialysis and transplantation. Then there are moments that just happen; the times that are out of our...

PKD Will Not Beat Me
Finding Your Vortex

Finding Your Vortex

As my mom and I stood separately on each side of the Airport Vortex in Sedona, Arizona, the view was powerful yet calming. A vortex is a site where spiritual energy is concentrated – a globally recognized power spot. It is usually on or near an interesting rock...

PKD Will Not Beat Me
Facing Fatigue

Facing Fatigue

I’m a go-getter. I like to soak in and accomplish as much as I can each day. My body does not always allow me to do what my mind wants or thinks it can do. When living with chronic health issues like PKD, fatigue can become a part of our lives. When both of my...

PKD Will Not Beat Me
PKD Messenger

PKD Messenger

On PKD Awareness Day, Sept. 4, 2015, my family and I used window markers and excitedly decorated our car in a parking lot in Arizona. Our messages ranged from “PKD Awareness Day, PKD Patient Inside” to “PKD Will Not Beat Me.” As we adorned our car for the occasion,...

PKD Will Not Beat MeWalk for PKD
Why I Walk

Why I Walk

I fondly remember being in my early 20s and sitting on my living room floor calling one person after another from a contact list the PKD Foundation gave me. I was calling PKD families in south central Pennsylvania, introducing myself and letting them know I was...

Page last reviewed November 2022