Uric acid

A common type of crystal that can lead to kidney stones.


An analysis of the urine to determine the type of bacteria that is causing infection.

Urinary tract infection (UTI)

Commonly called a UTI, an infection caused by bacteria in the bladder, kidneys, or cysts.


Liquid by-product of the body secreted by the kidneys.

Urine citrate

A substance that prevents formation of kidney stones; it may be decreased in some PKD patients.

Urine collection (24-hour)

A test done in combination with the blood creatinine test to determine kidney function, called creatinine clearance and is an approximation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR).

Venous catheter

A tube inserted into a vein in your neck, chest, or groin area; not intended for long-term use.

White blood cells (WBCs)

WBCs are typically present in the urine in small numbers; large numbers in the urine could suggest a UTI.


The zebrafish is a simple model for studying vertebrate development and genetics and is a means of understanding how not only fish, but all vertebrates including humans, develop from the moment that sperm fertilizes an egg.