If you have further questions about our processes or a recent review of your grant application, please email research@pkdcure.org
Invitations to submit full awards will be determined by the Grant Review Committee as well as PKDF’s determination of programmatic relevance (whether the proposed research supports our mission and current priorities). Read more about the review and scoring of pre-applications here.
Funding of awards is based on the priority score (based on the NIH scoring system), the recommendations of the Grants Review Committee, and the availability of funds. Final review and approval rests with the Board of Directors.
The assigned scientific reviewers will evaluate at least five individual criteria (e.g., Significance, Innovation, Approach, Investigator(s), Environment), considering the strengths and weaknesses within each criterion. Reviewers may also specifically consider:
- The conceptual basis on which the proposal rests.
- The novelty of the concept and strategy.
- The clarity of the presentation.
- The overall plan for transitioning research findings to clinical applications.
- The likelihood that the proposed project will contribute to or result in a viable therapeutic intervention for PKD patients.
- The experience, background, and qualifications of investigators.
- The adequacy of the applicant’s resources and environment (facilities, patient population, data management, and data analysis).
- The likelihood that successful completion of the proposed studies would result in further research funded by another agency (e.g. NIH, DOD, FDA).
- The adequacy of provisions for the protection of human subjects (if applicable).
All applications are evaluated by the PKD Foundation’s Grants Review Committee, comprised of the following members:
PKDF’s Scientific Advisory Panel
Made up of 14 prestigious PKD physicians and scientists, the Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) oversees our research and medical programs aimed at discovering and delivering treatments for PKD. The SAP meets throughout the year to discuss relevant medical issues, provide guidance to our staff and review and approve research applications for grants and fellowships in the field of PKD science. All our materials and publications are approved by SAP members, who possess the highest level of experience and knowledge in PKD clinical and scientific work.
A Stakeholder Review Panel
This panel has been selected by PKDF to be representative of PKD patients or caregivers following a process modeled after the Consumer Review programs used by DOD Consumer Reviewer program and other disease-oriented research foundations. Download our Guidance for Reviewers with more details on how the Stakeholder Review may impact your application. Stakeholder Reviewers will review full applications only.
We welcome applications from patients, caregivers, and parents of children with PKD who are passionate and committed to serve as reviewers for PKDF. Click here to find out more.
Independent ad hoc scientific reviewers.
Selected by the Chair of PKDF’s Scientific Advisory Panel to serve as experts in any unmet scientific expertise needed to review the given year’s proposals.
2024 Grant Review Committee
- Michael Caplan, MD, PhD (Yale University)
- Neera Dahl, MD (Mayo Clinic-Rochester)
- Emilie Cornec-Le Gall, MD, PhD (University of Brest)
- Berenice Gitomer, PhD ((University of Colorado
- Anchutz Medical Campus)
- Erum Hartung, MD (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) – fellowship review only
- Jinghua Hu, PhD (Mayo Clinic)
- Max Liebau, MD (University Hospital Cologne)
- Vishal Patel, MD (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center)
- Greg Pazour, PhD (University of Massachusetts)
- Feng Qian, PhD (University of Maryland)
- Frederic Rahbari-Oskoui, MD (Emory University)
- Alan Yu, MD (University of Kansas Medical Center)
- Gregory Mainolfi (patient)
- Andrew Tweeten (patient)
- Linda Herman (stakeholder)
- Danielle DeSouza (patient)
- Elliot Kaye (patient)
- Ashley Garcia-Everett (stakeholder)
Ad Hoc
- Takamitsu Saigusa, MD (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
- Luiz Onuchic, MD, PhD (University of São Paulo)
- Moe Mahjoub, PhD (Washington University)
View the research proposals scored for funding in 2024 here.
2023 Grant Review Committee
- Alessandra Boletta, PhD (San Raffaele Scientific Institute)
- Neera Dahl, MD (Yale University)
Berenice Gitomer, PhD (University of Colorado Anchutz Medical Campus) - Erum Hartung, MD (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) – fellowship review only
- Jinghua Hu, PhD (Mayo Clinic)
Max Liebau, MD (University Hospital Cologne) - Vishal Patel, MD (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center)
- Greg Pazour, PhD (University of Massachusetts)
- Feng Qian, PhD (University of Maryland)
- Frederic Rahbari-Oskoui, MD (Emory University)
- Alan Yu, MD (University of Kansas Medical Center)
- Gregory Mainolfi (patient)
- Andrew Tweeten (patient)
- Linda Herman (stakeholder)
- Glenn Frommer (patient)
- Alisha Graham (patient)
- Jim Myers (patient)
- Ashley Garcia-Everett (stakeholder)
Ad Hoc
- Charles Edelstein, MD, PhD (University of Colorado Anchutz Medical Campus)
- Takamitsu Saigusa, MD (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
- Madhulika Sharma, PhD (University of Kansas Medical Center)
- Kurt Zimmerman, PhD (University of Oklahoma)
View the research proposals scored for funding in 2023 here.
2022 Grant Review Committee
- Alessandra Boletta, PhD (San Raffaele Scientific Institute)
- Neera Dahl, MD (Yale University)
- Erum Hartung, MD (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) – fellowship review only
- Jinghua Hu, PhD (Mayo Clinic)
Max Liebau, MD (University Hospital Cologne) - Vishal Patel, MD (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center)
- Greg Pazour, PhD (University of Massachusetts)
- Feng Qian, PhD (University of Maryland)
- Frederic Rahbari-Oskoui, MD (Emory University)
- Richard Sandford, MD, PhD (University of Cambridge)
- Alan Yu, MB (University of Kansas Medical Center)
- Kristee Adams (PKD patient)
- Alisha Graham (PKD patient)
- James Myers (PKD patient)
- Dwight Odland (PKD patient)
Ad Hoc
- Katharina Hopp, PhD (University of Colorado Anchutz Medical Campus)
- Marie Trudel, PhD (Montreal Clinical Research Institute)
- Kurt Zimmerman, PhD (University of Oklahoma)
View the research proposals scored for funding in 2022 here
2021 Grant Review Committee
- Alessandra Boletta, PhD (San Raffaele Scientific Institute)
- Neera Dahl, MD (Yale University)
- Berenice Gitomer, PhD (University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus)
- Erum Hartung, MD (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) – fellowship review only
- Jinghua Hu, PhD (Mayo Clinic)
- Vishal Patel, MD (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center)
- Greg Pazour, PhD (University of Massachusetts)
- Frederic Rahbari-Oskoui, MD (Emory University)
- Richard Sandford, MD, PhD (University of Cambridge)
- Robert Weiss, MD (University of California Davis)
- Alan Yu, MB (University of Kansas Medical Center)
- Kristee Adams (PKD patient)
- Alisha Graham (PKD patient)
- James Myers (PKD patient)
- Dwight Odland (PKD patient)
Ad Hoc
- Benjamin D. Cowley Jr, MD (University of Oklahoma)
- Paul DeCaen, PhD (Northwestern University)
- Sorin Fedeles, PhD (Yale University)
- Peter Harris, PhD (Mayo Clinic)
Max Liebau, MD (University of Cologne, Germany) - Robin Maser, PhD (University of Kansas Medical Center)
- Surya Nauli, PhD (Chapman University)
- Takamitsu Saigusa, MD (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
- Zhaoxia Sun, PhD (Yale University)
- Marie Trudel, PhD (Montreal Clinical Research Institute)
- Oliver Wessely, PhD (Cleveland Clinic/ Case Western Reserve University)
- Owen Woodward, PhD (University of Maryland, Baltimore)
- Yong Yu, PhD (St. John’s University)
View the research proposals scored for funding in 2021 here.
2020 Grant Review Committee
- Alessandra Boletta, PhD (San Raffaele Scientific Institute)
- Neera Dahl, MD (Yale University)
- Berenice Gitomer, PhD (University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus)
- Erum Hartung, MD (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia)
- Jinghua Hu, PhD (Mayo Clinic)
- Vishal Patel, MD (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center)
- Greg Pazour, PhD (University of Massachusetts)
- Frederic Rahbari-Oskoui, MD (Emory University)
- Richard Sandford, MD, PhD (University of Cambridge)
- Terry Watnick, MD (University of Maryland)
- Robert Weiss, MD (University of California Davis)
- Alan Yu, MB (University of Kansas Medical Center)
- Kristee Adams (PKD patient)
- Beverly Benson, PhD (caregiver)
- Walt Hunt, PhD (PKD patient)
- Michele Karl (caregiver and ARPKD parent)
- Klee Kleber (PKD patient)
- Dwight Odland (PKD patient)
Ad Hoc
- Whitney Besse, MD (Yale University)
- Benjamin D. Cowley Jr, MD (University of Oklahoma)
- Paul DeCaen, PhD (Northwestern University)
- Iain Drummond, PhD (Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory)
- Peter Harris, PhD (Mayo Clinic)
- Katharina Hopp, PhD (University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus)
- Robin Maser, PhD (University of Kansas Medical Center)
- Luiz Menezes, PhD (NIDDK)
- Surya Nauli, PhD (Chapman University)
- Takamitsu Saigusa, MD (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
- Oliver Wessely, PhD (Cleveland Clinic/ Case Western Reserve University)
- Yong Yu, PhD (St. John’s University)
View the research proposals scored for funding in 2020 here.
2019 Grant Review Committee
- Alessandra Boletta, PhD (San Raffaele Scientific Institute)
- Neera Dahl, MD (Yale University)
- Iain Drummond, PhD (Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory)
- Berenice Gitomer, PhD (University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus)
- Erum Hartung, MD (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia)
- Jinghua Hu, PhD (Mayo Clinic)
- Vishal Patel, MD (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center)
- Frederic Rahbari-Oskoui, MD (Emory University)
- Richard Sandford, MD, PhD (University of Cambridge)
- Darren Wallace, PhD (University of Kansas Medical Center)
- Terry Watnick, MD (University of Maryland)
- Robert Weiss, MD (University of California Davis)
Ad Hoc
- Nicolas Berbari, PhD (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis)
- Whitney Besse, MD (Yale University)
- Benjamin D. Cowley Jr, MD (University of Oklahoma)
- Peter Harris, PhD (Mayo Clinic)
- Joshua Lipschutz, MD (Medical University of South Carolina)
- Robin Maser, PhD (University of Kansas Medical Center)
- Luiz Menezes, PhD (NIDDK)
- Surya Nauli, PhD (Chapman University)
- Reena Rao, PhD (University of Kansas Medical Center)
- Angela Wandinger-Ness, PhD (University of New Mexico)
- Oliver Wessely, PhD (Cleveland Clinic/ Case Western Reserve University)
- Yong Yu, PhD (St. John’s University)
View the research proposals scored for funding in 2019 here.
PKD Foundation Grant Reviewers are expected to be impartial and fair when reviewing grant and fellowship applications, and are expected to identify all conflicts of interest beforehand. The PKD Foundation follows guidelines set by the NIH regarding conflicts of interest on the grant review committee.
To preserve the integrity of the peer review process, all parties involved in the review process (including the Grant Review Committee, and PKDF leadership and adminstrators) must adhere to PKDF’s practices regarding confidentiality and non-disclosure.
In order to ensure that PKDF funds scientific proposals that address our mission and goals, each grant cycle gives special consideration to specific research topics.
The priority areas for 2021 are:
- Autosomal Recessive PKD (ARPKD)
- ADPKD in children
- Biomarker discovery and validation
- Lifestyle interventions (e.g., in dietary habits)
- PKD drug discovery
- Epidemiology/ data analysis (e.g., using existing datasets)
- Extra-renal manifestations of PKD, including but not limited to congenital hepatic fibrosis, polycystic liver disease and intracranial aneurysms
- Clinical care disparities (e.g., race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, rural versus urban)
The mission of the PKD Foundation is to discover and deliver treatments and a cure for polycystic kidney disease and to improve the quality of lives of patients living with this disease. To achieve this, we support investigator-initiated research that range across the research continuum, including basic, translational and clinical research. Additionally, we are committed to supporting a robust pipelines of junior investigators interested in a career in PKD through our Fellowship and Young Investigator Award programs.
If you have any questions, please contact research@pkdcure.org.