Lisa Baxter
I got PKD from my father. I have six siblings on dialysis, two aunts, an uncle, and a mother-in-law. I travel all around the world sharing my story and giving out resources that can help others with this journey. After...
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Shaunna Butler
At 28 weeks pregnant with my son, Rayne, I lost all amniotic fluid. Between hospital visits and bedrest, I delivered him at 33 weeks. He spent the next nine weeks in the NICU—three of those weeks he was intubated. We...
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Steve Baum
We’ve been active with the PKD Foundation for the last 13+ years since my PKD/PLD double transplant. The Foundation has been especially helpful to my younger siblings with its research and information.
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Frances Silva
I walk for PKD because I want to do my part to help fight and put an end to PKD. I also want to raise awareness of this little know disease. My own personal story began in 1997. When my...
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Lee Casati
I was diagnosed at 25 years old. I was managing high blood pressure, but also experienced back problems and kidney stones. After extensive testing, a nephrologist diagnosed me with PKD. Thanks to medication, I lived a normal life as a...
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Angela Culp
I was diagnosed with PKD at age 30; the fourth generation in my family. My father and grandmother were on dialysis for many years. My great grandmother had PKD, and without access to dialysis, passed away at age 43. I...
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Avril Somervile
I walk for my beloved twin sister, Sheryl (Shay) Letang. After coming down with flu-like symptoms (possibly COVID), she succumbed to renal failure on April 8, 2020. Sheryl was diagnosed with PKD shortly after having her daughter and received a...
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Shery Fogel
I turned 40 and seven days later I was on dialysis. I didn't know I had PKD until one day I went to see my primary care physician about a headache. She did labs, called me while I was walking...
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Courtney Josephson
Before my diagnosis, I was a healthy 20-year-old. My only problems were balancing college and part-time work. I’d just finished my last semester of college when I began feeling ill. A serious kidney infection had been brewing and I had...
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Mike Reposa
PKD has affected my family for generations. My father was diagnosed in his early 30s and eventually went on dialysis at age 50. He did dialysis for about a year before having a transplant. Sadly, he died young from stroke...
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Merari Agiular
I’m 25 years old and I was diagnosed with PKD in March 2024. PKD runs in my family: my grandfather passed away from it, my dad has it, and most of my paternal aunts have it as well. The week...
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Sara DornBrook
My husband, Miles, and I met when we were just teenagers and had family members suffering from PKD. We knew quite a bit about the disease. When he was 23, he went to the doctor for allergy issues, and they...
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