Story added: June 2, 2023
Dawn Glover

My name is Dawn Glover. My father died of a ruptured brain aneurysm associated with PKD when he was only 34 years old. I was diagnosed in my early 30s, after being hospitalized for an abscessed cyst. I'm now 65 and on dialysis. I’ve been waitlisted for a kidney for five years and might still have a long wait, as the typical wait at the center where I’m listed is seven years. I cannot travel more than four hours from the transplant center, and I'm tied to my small town by a Mon-Wed-Fri dialysis schedule. I cannot even visit my grandchildren who live out of state. My life has been put on hold by this disease. In addition to the gradual loss of kidney function, I suffer from conditions associated with PKD including diverticulosis, multiple hernias, and bone loss.