Story added: August 10, 2020
Greta Ellis

My father died at age 39—I was only 13 years old. We were unaware he had PKD until after his death. Looking back, he had all the outward signs (large belly, high blood pressure). I began having problems with constant kidney infections during my thirties. I still vividly remember the almost unbearable back pain. I started dialysis in 2004, and spent nearly 13 years on hemodialysis. Four hour sessions, three days a week. I gained significant weight with my two pregnancies and I lost 80 pounds to get placed on the transplant list. I also had a bilateral nephrectomy in 2008. I became stronger and more energetic after the removal of my kidneys. I embarked on a fitness routine where I worked out on my non-dialysis days. I joined a gym and started Zumba classes. My weight continued improving and so did my mobility. However, my progress on the transplant list was stagnant here in South Texas. So, after waiting here for eight years, I registered in a new region and was transplanted in less than a year on October 30, 2017. I’m almost three years post-op and enjoying every moment. I’ve been blessed and highly favored, and I thank God for every day in this journey.