Story added: November 22, 2021
Jennifer Shareef

My name is Jenn and I was in my teens when I was diagnosed with ADPKD. My mother had renal failure and was placed on dialysis. My brother was tested to see if he was a match to donate a kidney. We found out he too had PKD, and so my mom had me tested to see if I had it. My mother had a transplant in 1997 but her body eventually rejected the transplant and she was placed back on dialysis. She passed away in 2007 while waiting for another kidney. My brother was placed on dialysis in 2017 but lost his fight in 2019 before he received a kidney. In March 2021, my kidney function went to 17% and I immediately began the process of getting placed on the transplant list. In June 2021, my kidney function dropped to 13% and I changed my diet completely. So far, my kidney function has stayed at 13%. My late brother passed the gene to two out of five of his kids. My goal is to be their PKD role model—showing them how to take good care of themselves while living with PKD and how to keep off of dialysis as long as possible before receiving a transplant. My mom and my brother both are my push to be successful in this journey.