Story added: July 7, 2021
Lauren Thompson

I was diagnosed in 2019 as I was turning 27. I was feeling really tired all of the time. I thought it might be work and burn out, but requested a blood test by the GP. My bloods showed reduced function of my gfr, a later ultrasound confirmed my diagnosis of PKD. I was devastated, crying, and didn’t want it to be true because of the thoughts in my head awaiting me—dialysis when I’m older. However, I’m staying positive, and hopefully, by the time I reach that point, medical intervention will have advanced. My dad has PKD, his mum had PKD, and I know one of my cousins does too. It’s very much within our family. It hasn’t stopped me from doing anything I want, I just listen to my body if I ache! I hold down a full-time job and live a happily married life!