Megan Jones

My name is Megan and I was born with PKD. In 1992 it was unheard of in my hometown. Doctors told my mom I wouldn’t make it to the age of 2. When I was 6 months old, they finally...

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Denise Schmidt

My name is Denise Schmidt and I'm a transplant recipient. PKD runs in my family. My mom had it along with her sister, and my two adult sons have it (both are on dialysis). They're both getting tested to be...

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Jennifer Shareef

My name is Jenn and I was in my teens when I was diagnosed with ADPKD. My mother had renal failure and was placed on dialysis. My brother was tested to see if he was a match to donate a...

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Nick Attanasio

My name is Nick Attanasio. I'm 42 and I have stage 4 ARPKD. I was diagnosed when I was 14 after my father had his first kidney removed. They were monitoring his blood pressure after surgery and decided to test...

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Robbie McCafferty

My name is Robbie McCafferty. I’m 30 years old and I found out I had PKD in my early 20s. I'd been having sharp pains in my side for months. After finally reaching a breaking point at work, I went...

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Paige Donna Myers

My name is Paige Donna Myers and I was diagnosed with PKD in 1993—I'd never heard of PKD ever! I come from The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. I started having kidney infections at the age of 19 that continued...

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Tracey Looney

My name is Tracey Looney and I was in my early 20s when I was diagnosed with ADPKD. I'm now 47. PKD was passed down on my maternal side of the family. My grandmother died in 1988 at the age...

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Dawn Glover

My name is Dawn Glover and my dad died in 1970 of a ruptured brain aneurysm associated with PKD. He was only 34. I’m 64 and I was diagnosed in 1991 at the age of 34. My progression has been...

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Rob Visda

My husband’s name is Rob Visda. When he was diagnosed with PKD at 18, he was going through the process of enlisting in the Marines. He inherited the disease from his mom’s side of the family. Because of his diagnosis...

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Trish Kaiser

My name is Trish Kaiser and my ADPKD diagnosis came in Fall 1999, just a few months before my eighth birthday. I still remember my mom taking my older brother and I to renal ultrasounds one day before school. My...

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John Burns

My name is John Burns. I’m 58 years old, and I was diagnosed with ADPKD when I was 43. No one else in my immediate family has the disease. I had a cerebral aneurysm rupture out of the blue which...

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Kaylann Ryan

I am 38 years old and in stage 3 ADPKD. Three previous generations of my family also struggled with PKD (Papa Shorty, Nana, and my mom). None of them are with us anymore, but they taught me so much about...

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