Robbie McCafferty
My name is Robbie McCafferty. I’m 30 years old and I found out I had PKD in my early 20s. I'd been having sharp pains in my side for months. After finally reaching a breaking point at work, I went to the ER. The attending physician noted abnormal scans of my kidneys. Upon further medical care from a nephrologist in the area, I was diagnosed with ADPKD. I work as a professional chef and have been cooking since I was 19. My wife and I live in Nashville, but we met in Pensacola, Florida, around the time of my diagnosis. She's been a constant beacon of support through this entire experience. We moved here because of some opportunities I had in my career as a chef. It was easy for her to make the transition in her career as a hairstylist. To me, living with PKD is about realizing how beautiful life is. This illness is not a burden. It allows me the gift of sharing the insights I’ve had through this entire ordeal. I’m blessed with having a support system that not everyone has. So it’s important for me to do what I can to help others get through it. I maintain a formal knowledge of information related to PKD. I follow medical breakthroughs relating to the progression of my illness. I refuse to succumb to the idea that “nothing can be done”. Miracles happen every day.