Learning objectives

—Describe the basics of a healthy renal diet.
—Assess diet and determine if changes need to be made to meet basic nutritional needs.


Angela Cusimano, MS, RD, CSR, LD, CCTD

Angela Cusimano, MS, RD, CSR, LD, CCTD

Angela graduated from Kansas State University with her degree in Nutrition in dietetics, this was followed by completing her Master’s in Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Kansas Medical Center. For the past 4 years she has been a Renal Transplant Dietitian, specializing in nutrition specific to Kidney Disease and Type 2 Diabetes. She became credentialed as a Certified Specialist in Renal Nutrition (CSR) and as a Certified Clinical Transplant Dietitian (CCTD). Working over 1,000 hours in Kidney Specialized Nutrition.  Along with her involvement with the National Kidney Foundation, she is the Treasurer for the Kansas City Council on Renal Nutrition for the 2021 calendar year. Angela has done presentations for the National Kidney Foundation, the Nephrology Nursing Association, and was interviewed for the PKD Life magazine.