Fundraising Ambassadors
The Fundraising Ambassador plays an important role in the local PKD community by identifying local fundraising opportunities and organizing the event. With the support from PKD Foundation staff, your contribution will facilitate fundraising that supports the mission of the PKD Foundation.
Fundraising Ambassador — Volunteer Job Description
Please reach out to Danielle Rose at danieller@pkdcure.org to discuss and plan your next community fundraising event.
Community COVID-19 Guidelines
The PKD Foundation is committed to the safety and well-being of the PKD community. The spread of COVID-19 is fluid and guidance for in-person gatherings can be different for each of our local communities. We are currently planning to host in-person Walk events and the Community Fundraising team is already communicating this with walk volunteers. For community meetings, we encourage meeting virtually as this offers a safe option for all members of the community to gather safely.
This is a fluid situation, and we will communicate any changes to our policy with you as soon as possible. Please talk to your staff lead if you have questions.
You can find our latest information on COVID-19 at Coronavirus and PKD: What you should know.
Role Specific Resources
Contact us
Nicole Harr
Sr. Director of Community Engagement
Lavonne Nichols
Community Engagement Strategist
PKD Volunteer Team
Who has the best ideas for success? You, of course!
Join our new Team PKD Volunteer Team Facebook closed group page and connect with all of our communities, share your ideas, successes and receive news and information from staff. PKD Volunteer Team is for official PKD Foundation volunteers only.
Page last updated February 2022