David Birkley
It was the year 2000. A longtime friend of mine noticed that I had sudden weight loss and recommended that I go see a doctor, which I did. My mother had PKD, and I felt it was a good time to get checked. Through testing they found, via ultrasound, that I had had PKD, and I started with a nephrologist. They were monitoring my daily dietary intake and blood pressure and things, and I kept track of everything pretty thoroughly for about four years, five years, and I moved, and in that time period I let my health kind of slide. Didn’t pay attention to the nephrologist or my doctor at the time because I was young and thought I’m going to be okay. I lived with it pretty much normally for ten years with just high blood pressure being really the only side effect. I had occasional kidney stones. I had some stomach pain, but I led a normal life. I was very healthy. I was mountain biking, hiking, climbing mountains, doing what I do or going to work every day, traveling. So, my life was normal. Hear more of David’s story.