New PKD Connect Interpreter Training Sessions
Quarterly PKD Connect Interpreter Training
Volunteer Hours
New PKD Connect Interpreter Training Sessions

Welcome to PKDF! – Information for PKD Foundation Volunteers

Communication Tools Training

Quarterly PKD Connect Interpreter Training

Quarterly training sessions will address topics helpful to mentors and interpreters as they support the PKD Community. Registration links, recordings and slides will be posted here for convenience.

Do you have a topic you would like us to address in training? Email Nicole!

August 2022
During this training session, we will tour the Resource Library at and learn about new resources for the PKD Community recently added to the library.

In your volunteer role, you connect with others and build connections ensuring that no one feels alone with PKD. Lets take the opportunity to hear from patients that have had experience on dialysis. Learning from others about their experiences with PKD helps us when we have the need to support someone with questions.

RSVP today!

January 2023
Listening – PKD in Children

Volunteer Hours

PKDF volunteers are making a difference in the lives of everyone impacted by PKD. One way we show volunteer impact is by capturing volunteer hours. Volunteer hours = revenue!

Please submit all volunteer hours associated with translating and communicating with constituents. You can submit hours as you go (after each call, etc.) or, you can submit all of your hours at the end of each month.

Submit volunteer hours!

A unique link for submitting volunteer hours associated with attending training calls will be sent to you after the training session. Once you have submitted your hours for attending training, you can delete the link. You will not need to use it again.

Spanish Resources

ADPKD Patient Handbook

The purpose of this handbook is to provide information about ADPKD. It will be useful to those who have the disease, those who are at risk due to an affected parent as well as invested family members and friends. It is not intended for those affected by autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD).