


Published on November 1, 2023 | Today, Representatives Joe Wilson (R-SC-02) and Jerrold Nadler (D-NY-12) introduced the Living Organ Donor Tax Credit Act of 2023. If it passes, this legislation would provide a one-time, reimbursable tax credit of up to $5,000 to kidney and other living organ donors who choose to donate life-saving organs.


A Quick History of Kidney Transplants and Living Organ Donors 

According to the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), there are more than 106,000 people on the national transplant waiting list, with a staggering 92,000 (87%) waiting on a kidney. In 2022, just 6,466 people became living organ donors, slightly fewer than 2021.

Living organ donation does more than just decreasing wait times for organ donation. Additionally, it provides an opportunity for better genetic matching and, in some cases, removing the need for dialysis. Each year, dialysis costs Medicare about $100,000 per patient. With nearly 600,000 dialysis patients in the country, that’s approximately 7% of the entire Medicare budget.

For decades, the kidney care community has worked to encourage living organ donation in two ways. Firstly, through educational efforts. Secondly, by advocating for legislation that will bolster the supply of transplantable organs. One thing is clear, more must be done to encourage individuals to become living donors. That’s why the PKD Foundation is proud to stand alongside various kidney stakeholders in support of Living Organ Donor Tax Credit Act. This legislation won’t just remove barriers to kidney donation. In turn, it’ll save lives.


“Over 90,000 Americans are on the kidney transplant waitlist, including thousands of polycystic kidney disease patients in kidney failure who are waiting for a cure. The Federal Government needs to do everything possible to get kidneys to more individuals before it’s too late. The PKD Foundation applauds and stands with Representatives Joe Wilson and Jerry Nadler for introducing the Living Organ Donor Tax Credit Act which will help encourage more Americans to give the gift of life by offsetting some of the financial burdens that discourage living organ donation.”

—Susan Bushnell, PKD Foundation President and CEO



What’s in the Living Organ Donor Tax Credit Act?

Through the Living Organ Donor Tax Credit Act, living organ donors would receive a $5,000, reimbursable tax credit. This could be used to offset various expenses associated with organ donation including costs related to:

  • Travel and lodging
  • Legal documentation fees
  • Medical costs for donation and subsequent care
  • Lost wages incurred during the transplantation process


For more information about the Living Organ Donor Tax Credit Act, read Rep. Wilson’s Press Release.


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