
The PKD Foundation Blog is contributed to by PKD Foundation staff and members of our incredible community. Focused on bringing you important PKD and Foundation updates, our blogs cover advocacy initiatives; awareness events; education for patients, caregivers, and health care professionals; and updates from and for our researchers.


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    I was blinking through tears as I read the words in an email from Brenda Cogley that said, “I wantedRead More
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    Valen and Noah married on September 17, 2011 at Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park. As I sat down toRead More
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    I treasure the good days, the healthy weeks, the smooth sailing months. However, I don’t wear blinders to the realityRead More
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    Organization helps me stay positive. Especially when it comes to organizing all my medicine. I don’t prepare for a tripRead More
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    I like to surround myself with positive energy and positive words. I thought I would give you a tour ofRead More
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    It’s funny how some moments seem hard to recall and then others have been embedded in our minds forever. I’llRead More